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Breakout Box for BMW K series

  • Code: 1818
€ 188,00 + VAT
Models compatibility

Breakout Box for BMW K series
This electronic unit had been developed for those who wants to replace the original cockpit of their BMW K series with a different gauge: wires connection is completely stress-free without soldering any wire. No alterations to the wiring harness or modifications of the vehicle are required. Simply plug in and off you go!Quick and easy installation: no wiring modifications to the motorcycle electrical system are necessary. Just connect the pins of the original BMW wiring to the control unit and connect the control unit to the new instrument. The only thing you must check is, what kind of wiring harness plug your BMW K series is equipped with: a new wiring harness plug was introduced for certain years. This are of 2 types of plugs, one with round connector pins (one-piece black plug) and the other one with angular pins (two-part white plug): the pin assignment however remained unchanged.Compatible with almost all aftermarket electronic instruments.

NB: with the breakout box it is not necessary to install the cod.1814 Relais K series.
It is compatible with models with ABS or without ABS (see list below) and with any type of petrol float.
- 1983-1987 K 100 (Series I)
- 1983-1989 K 100 RS
- 1984-1988 K 100 RT
- 1986-1991 K 100 LT
- 1987-1990 K 100 (Series II)
- 1988-1993 K 1
- 1990-1992 K 100 RS 4V
- 1991-1997 K 1100 LT
- 1992-1996 K 1100 RS
- 1985-1990 K 75 C
- 1985-1995 K 75 S
- 1986-1996 K 75 Basic
- 1989-1996 K 75 RT
Features of the Plug and Play control unit
Petrol level
Alternator charging
Oil pressure and temperature
Gear counter
Vibration resistant

 dimensions: width 103mm, height 62mm, thickness 18mm

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